
OHT training

Oral History Tasmania (OHT) offers a range of training opportunities for current and aspiring oral historians including seminars and workshops.

Benefits for OHT members

OHT members are given priority in our training program. If you are a member of OHT you will receive advance notice of our training programs and a discount on the training fees.

Tertiary training in Tasmania

The University of Tasmania offers a dedicated oral history subject as part of its Diploma of Family History. Find out more about:

Interstate & national training

Under a national arrangement, OHT members can access discounted registration for training offered by our counterpart state associations. Suitable events, such as those offering online training, will be featured in our events calendar on the home page.

Training workshops are also offered in conjunction with each Oral History Australia Biennial Conference.

For further information about tertiary institutions offering oral history training and accredited oral history training go to the Training page on our national website.

Go to the Oral history training page on the OHA website
Person at desk with computer
Alistair Thomson of Oral History Victoria teaching an oral history workshop online.

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