OHT equipment hire
Good quality digital recording equipment is available for hire to members of Oral History Tasmania (OHT). The recording device for loan is a Fostex field recorder (see image below).
The equipment hire package comprises:
- 1 Fostex field recorder
- 1 Fostex AC adaptor (power supply) in two parts, and 1 USB cord (for downloading the interview to your computer)
- 2 Sony ECM44B lapel microphones with tie clip, foam wind screen and AA battery (1 each)
- 1 set of Sony headphones with 3.55 mm (1/8″) to 6.5 mm (1/4″) adaptor
- 1 Compact Flash Card 16 GB
- 1 Pelican case
- 1 User guidelines.
Cost of hire is $30 per week plus transport costs if required.
The recorder is available from the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery in Launceston or delivery can be organised.
Booking process
- Contact us via email to check that the equipment is available for the loan period you require.
- Complete the online form on this page to secure your booking.
- We will acknowledge your booking request by email and advise of payment arrangements.
- Pay the required loan fee and collect equipment from the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery in Launceston or delivery can be organised.
- Return by the nominated return date.

Buying equipment
We do not recommend any particular equipment but advise that members use well-regarded brands such as Zoom, Rode, Tascam and Marantz.
For more detailed information about equipment see the guide on the Oral History NSW website.
Fostex hire form
By submitting this form you agree to the equipment loan conditions:
- Payment of $30 per week for the nominated loan period. Payment must be made before collection of equipment
- You agree to undertake to pay Oral History Tasmania for any loss or damage (fair wear and tear excepted) to the equipment up to $250 (for individuals) and $500 (for institutions).
- You will return the items to Jill Cassidy, Ross Smith or the Community History Department, Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Inveresk, Launceston by the end of the loan period.